Thursday 14 January 2010

E is for... Inventions in Leather

On Thursday I sat down with my sewing machine and made two little creations. One - not so good, probably gonna meet the bin very soon, and the other, a little better. My original project is still on ice, but the marginal success was this little ipod holder. The little apple motif (Apple - apple - see the play on words there!?) was inspired by a similar project found on the Ginger and George blog.

As a first attempt I am quite pleased with this, though it's a little bit of a tight fit so i'm hoping the leather will give a little over time. Working with leather is great fun. There is no fraying to worry about and its easy to cut. Plus there is the lovely leather smell to go with it. I set my machine to the widest possible stitch and took the corners very slowly. My hope is that the visible stitching and ever-so-slightly wonky lines just add to the rustic "handmade" look.

Will be looking out for more leather projects to make soon. Oh and that fabric in the background was bought at hobby craft this week and now have no idea what I should do with it... suggestions welcome!

Em x

1 comment:

  1. Em thats fab - think I need one of those for my iPhone!
