Thursday 7 January 2010

E is for... Expression

Made at

Inspired by this post I have been having fun with Wordle, and thinking about inspiring words for 2010. After much umm-ing and ahh-ing I have finally chosen my word for the year:


I see this year as a fresh start in many ways, and I want to take this chance to refresh my love for things which I have managed to lose sight of or taken for granted of late. With this in mind I want to rediscover:

- The simple things in life – right now that’s snow, playing with the bunnies and a big warm sweater.

- Myself – OK , sounds a little hippy but I would really like some enlightenment on the subject of “me”. If I don’t understand me... how can I expect anyone else to?

- Lovely things in my surroundings – starting with taking more pictures, I really must appreciate more the beautiful scenery and great days out there are to be had in the North West.

- Some hobbies – many of which have dropped by the wayside as life has become more complicated and more pressing things have made their way to the top of my to-do list.

Today I have embraced my new discovery philosophy with a great day out... picture to follow shortly

Em x


  1. Haven't played with Wordle for ages - love what you've made. A good word ofr the year too x

  2. Couldn't sleep so you have got me playing now! Made this to remind us what we want to do in 2010
    thanks Em xx
