Tuesday 15 June 2010

E is for...in a Quilted World

Hello! a quick update on my creative challenges:

Weeks 1 & 2 of bag sew along have produced pretty good results. Considering this is my first attempt at anything remotely quilted I'm very pleased. And er no - I didn't make the bunny, he's been sitting around here for a while. Next up on the list is the toiletries pouch. Zip has been procured today, so I'm all ready to go. You can follow the {make} a bag sew along here.
Creativity Bootcamp assignments have been delayed a bit by my the cold to end all colds! Plan to get the camera out and crack on with that shortly.
Hope you are having an inspiring week.
Em x


  1. That bag is amazing and such pretty fabrics - well done.

  2. That bag is fab - hope you are feeling much better soon.

  3. Love this bag and have saved the bag instructions in my favourites for making in the winter months when there is no sun or garden :)
